The best "Team" Shooter out there

User Rating: 7.5 | Enemy Territory: Quake Wars X360
Quake did what many-a-game tried. Turning the FPS into a Tactical Team Extravaganza. Some my say Counter-Strike did it but i disagree. Instead of Teams with various weapons and the one objective, Kill the enemy, loads of one man shows turn up. in Quake Wars there are Ten Classes, Five per side, Each with a Different Load-out and ability. For instance a Engineer can repair vehicles and built bridges. The Trooper on the other hand can Rack up with an assault rifle or Machine-gun and for those heavy needs a Rocket launcher. Medics are, well... medics. The Strogg on the other hand are quit different. Yes thay have the same classes, but tactics for strogg, its all bout Shock n Awe. Loaded with Light Tanks and Heavy Walkers they have the serious gear while the Humans have Tanks for the Walkers and tanks and Armadilos to mow down the enemy.

All in all its a Great Team shooter, its just not a fantastic or outstanding shooter.