Enemy Territory: Quake Wars was fairly well-received on the PC, and rightly so,

User Rating: 7.5 | Enemy Territory: Quake Wars PS3
because it was built around a deep understanding of what class-based shooters need in order to succeed... as well as some pretty snazzy graphics.
Unfortunately, the ps3 version, while still incorporating much of the advanced class-based game-play, doesn't quite live up to its heritage in regards to presentation. The supposedly-amazing mega-texture technology is simply incapable of making the drab and decidedly brown environments look very attractive, and the sound effects seem flat and lack the punch of a decent firearm report. Still, while Quake Wars won't dazzle your eyes or ears, the game-play is what really matters... The game play is rather easy but enjoyable since you can choose any kind of weapon you'd like to handle and choose on witch side you wanna be Global Defence Force (GDF) or the Strogg army. Its not the best game @ this moment but it's worth buying if you are a multi kind of player. Ohh yes don't forget to plug in your HDMI cable works wonders on the graphics :)