Ninja Theory seems to be improving with each game, but overall their games tend to crash brutally towards the end.

User Rating: 7 | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West PS3
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West came out from nowhere and almost became a sleeper hit. The game itself revolves around two pretty interesting characters that are followed closely and developed well throughout the game. Battle System is a bit shallow but satisfying. Audio-visual presentation is decent too. Difficulty is just right and game has some replay value.

The real lackluster of this game is in it's story, where practically everything goes downhill since the moment we are introduced to the third character. That was the low point of this game and the absolute overkill to the story line.

Epilogue was extremely disappointing, the decision to put Andy Serkis there only brought upon it's demise. Ninja Theory seems to be improving with each game, but overall their games tend to crash brutally towards the end.

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