Great Story, Great Visual, Great everything, except for the length of it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Enslaved: Odyssey to the West X360
Story - 10

Graphics - 10

Sound - 10

Replay Value - 5

Ok let me start of by saying this game is AMAZING, there was not one thing i did not like about this game when i played through it, i mean the story is amazing the characters and the sound and voices all mix so very well its insane, i literally could not put my controller down until i beat this game. I played this game for about 10 hours straight about noon to 10pm. I played so much i got every upgrade in the game.

Story was based off the poem and i believe they did a good job of it, if you have no read the poem go do it now.

Graphics are just down right amazing they never changed through out the whole game just amazing from left to right. the way the characters could move and talk was just done amazingly.

Sound the music it was perfectly well put together to match the characters and scenes.

Replay value is another story though, although this game is amazing in all forms to me it had 2 small kinks and a short story, the camera and the controlled movement, when ever you would switch camera angles it would often distort you movement and move you in a direction you did not want to go, that was the only problem, and the game was beat in about 10 hours, and the end of the game i feel as if i should be able to see more after but it just ends without explaining much at all so i do hope there is a Enslaved 2.

when it comes down to it, if you love the story that much and what its based off of then go and buy it ,it will be worth your 60$, but if your not and you just want a good long game you can keep playing then don't waste your money and just rent it ,this game is easily beaten within 15 hours.