Could have actually been a good licenced game, but the repadative gameplay and tons of bugs ruin it.
User Rating: 5.9 | Enter the Matrix GC
For a licenced game, ETM isn't too horrible. There actually is some fun to be had in this game. For the first hour or two of playing this game, you probibly will have a blast, as you can do some pretty cool stuff in the slow motion "Focus mode". But, you soon realise the game is pretty much just focus, run up, beat up or take gun, beat down, rinse and repeat. Or, shoot your gun. And by shoot your gun, I mean the auto aiming removes a lot of challenge from the game. Its also weird, cause sometimes, the bullets will actually go at an angle from the weapon if an enemy is off to the side. Sometimes you can just stand still and the bullets sort of seem to just go right to the enemy. There are some varieties in the gameplay though. You can choose to play as either Ghost or Niobe, and they have fairly different campaigns though their ultimately the same. The main difference is for the vehicle scenes, Niobe is the driver and Ghost is the gunner. Though there are some cool things you can do in Focus mode. I admit I do really like jumping backwards with two pistols, flying back in the air while just firing like crazy. The wall walking can also be pretty fun as well, however theres one problem with Focus mode. It makes the game to easy. If you do a side flip, even if a bullet goes through the character model, you dont take any damage. This makes the game way to easy, and even in normal mode you likely wont have a hard time, especially since if your wounded, just wait a few seconds and you'll fully heal. There is a hacking screen for you to unlock some stuff, but theres really only a few things you'll really want to unlock, everything else is a mere novelty. While the hacking screen is actually pretty cool, and sometimes it does sorta feel like you are hacking the Matrix, there just isn't enough to it other then a few usefull unlockables and some little nid-bits; Graphically the game actually isn't to bad. The character models are ok, and the motion capture and lip syncing are actaully pretty good. In addition, it does look cool when you do some of the focus moves. Though the level design is definantly something to be desired, as it gets pretty repadative, just like a lot of other stuff in the game. One thing though that is actually quite impressive about this game are the cutscenes done in live action that are done at near DVD quality. They all look like real scenes from the movie really also help give you more information about the story you dont get from the movie. The sounds could have also been ok. The voice acting isn't to bad, but the sound in the game is pretty buggy. Sometimes the music will skip or not play at all. Once also, I somehow made two guys say every line in their conversation at once. Obviously, I had no idea what they were saying. As said though, this game suffers from a lot of bugs. Its very apparent that it was rushed in time for the Matrix: Reloaded. Sometimes the bugs are so bad, it actually crashes the game. Then theres even instances where sometimes for some moves it wont do anything for an opponent. For example, in the Ghost story theres a part where you spar with Trinity. If you try to do a high kick, it'll go right through her and not do a thing to harm her. To say this game feels rushed is kind of an understatment. While there is some fun to be had, this game can really be only recommended as a rental for source information at best. Hardcore Matrix fans will probibly be able to look past at least some of the games flaws and enjoy it, but otherwise, those looking for an action game are advised to just look elsewhere.