I'll tell you something respect it a little bit better
If you think that it isn't that good then your making an understatement on the fundamentals of the game. It has a great bullet time aspect to it that will have you dodging bullets 24/7. It is really better than you think, there's a sword you can get to use that replaces the disarm and the surprise attack and kills the opponent in one attack. It also has different combos you can use for it. There is a multiplayer you can unlock with a code and the Hacking Program is great fun if you know how to hack things and if you don't need a guide to figure things out. Also I like to fight Agent Smith and see how long I can last for against him before dying also the Vertigo & ChinaTown levels are probably some of the best.
Words Of Edvice: at least play the game it deserves that much.......