Enter The Matrix is an awesome game, and a must-own for any Matrix fan.

User Rating: 8.4 | Enter the Matrix PS2
All Matrix fans know how the story goes in the Matrix trilogy, and Enter The Matrix follows the story quite well, except in this game, you're not Neo, Trinity, or Morpheus. You play as two minor characters in the movie, Niobe and Ghost.

Well first, I must say that Gamespot is completely out of their minds rating Enter The Matrix a 6.4. This game delivers hours upon hours of gaming fun! While the game is short, (it took me about 3 hours to beat it the game as Ghost, another 3 hours to beat the game as Niobe) it's definitely a game you will want to play over and over again.

As I said before, the story follows the Matrix trilogy, except you play as two minor characters in the movie. Niobe and Ghost both have their advantages while playing. Niobe is the better driver, and Ghost is the better shooter. Whichever one suits you best is the one you will probably play first, but to play the whole game through its entirety, you need to play both characters.

The gameplay was excellent. Running down hallways, stabbing vampires in the Chateau, and beating the crap out of police officers and Agents is just completely awesome. Your character can learn new moves throughout the game (eg. running off walls and kicking your opponent in the head), and there is also something that gives this game its Matrix feel: Focus mode! With focus enabled, you are able to dodge bullets, and have an advantage over your enemies that you would never have while in real time. Also, the guns that you get to use not only make Niobe and Ghost look seriously cool, they also pack in some serious damage.

As far as graphics go, Atari could have put just a bit more effort into them, but they're not bad.

Sound, now here is where Enter The Matrix surely makes a fall. Some of the sound bytes used in the game are not in their proper places, and there is some sort of glitch in the game that makes the voices talk twice at the same time, so it makes it sound like it's echoing off a 1000 walls. Ooh. Atari could have definitely done some better work here. If there is anything good about it, it's that the music rocks, and the guns sound amazing.

And for value, well, you can't get much better. You can find this game for $15.00 or cheaper pretty much anywhere. A great game for a great price.

So, this about wraps things up. I seriously loved this game and I think anyone that plays it will. You don't have to be a Matrix fan to like this game, anyone who is seriously into awesome stunts, kick-ass kung-fu, and a lot of shooting should definitely pick up a copy of Enter The Matrix.