Is this The One? Read on to find out.
You actually play through two seperate games, following the path as Niobe and Ghost as they rush to assist Neo and the rebels with the events which unfolded within and before the movie. Thier paths collide seldem, but both portions of the game are full of action and bullet-time excellence. When you're not using your guns, the fighting is full of moves and combos that really look impressive. It all leads up to the grand finale of the second movie, with a bonus of extras which shows of trailers for the third installment plus more than 60 minutes worth of exclusive shooting specifically for the game.
With the not so great elements aside, this game is great for fans (yes I know there aren't that many) of the Matrix Trilogy and anyone looking for an action game packed with intense battles. My only complaints would be how short the game is, and it would have been nice to see some coop.