You have 2 choices for characters, but 2 very different story lines. Which I feel was a good thing. The bullet time was a very useful and powerful tool to use. I love how even the moves altered depending if you were in real time or bullet time. Also, with the ability to attack many different angles at any time. This game does a great job at giving the player the feel of being in the Matrix.
Another cool thing about this game that I wished was a bigger part of this game was the Hacking. Doing this part of the game can open some interesting thing to use. It is a special treat for anyone that loves computers.
When this game came out I did have high hopes for it and was sadly very disappointed. The graphics aren’t good, the gameplay gets boring fast and it’s a really short game. Though, if you are a Matrix fan, it is worth r... Read Full Review
Let's get this straight I’m a massive Matrix Fan so I may tilt a bit towards this game but I’ll try not to. This game is good, very good. It's simple, you play two members of a sister ship of the Nebuchadnezzar (neo’s ... Read Full Review