What huge dissapointment! After all the hype, all the cool gameplay movies on the internet, all the expectation, the fact that it is the first game written and directed by movie directors, the extra footage that was shot just for the game, we come back to the same time-tested conclusion: No matter how much money goes into a game, how much marketing, hype and hollywood movie tie-ins it has, in the end gameplay is king. And it is precisely in gameplay that the Matrix falls flat on its face. I am playing the PC version and the controls are tough, the fighting and shooting camera is confusing, the level objectives are very obscure and some of them frustratingly without any hints whatsoever of what to do next. The drivin levels are terrible. Why stick this in if they're not going to do it properly? It says a lot that Max Payne, a game that is almost 3 years old is infinitely better than this crap. This game is worth $10. I'm taking my copy back to Electronics Boutique. Another example of some style and no substance at all. Shiny has had a terrible run of games lately and this is the nail for the coffin. What a letdown!
OK. Before I start to review this game I gotta tell you all that I usually don't like film-to game adaptions...cause more than often, they stinks. But for once, a kind of great movie-game arrives...and everyone thinks it... Read Full Review
Enter the Matrix is the game based on the movie The Matrix Reloaded and since the DVD should be out soon I thought it fitting for me to write a review for people who may want to pick this game up along with the DVD. If y... Read Full Review