User Rating: 5.5 | Enter the Matrix PS2
This game's only saving grace is the FMV scenes that fill in some of the back story to the Matrix Reloaded. As it stands on its own, this is just another mediocre movie tie-in that we've all been suckered by at least once in our lives (E.T. anyone?). The graphics are reminiscent of first-generation titles, with all the clipping and graphical glitching to go with it. The camera can be flaky at times, as is the norm with most 3D games. In the sound department, the in-game music and sound is faithful to the movie, but some extremely annoying glitches mar the experience. In a lot of places, the background music stutters incessantly, and frequently during the in-game cut scenes the character's dialog echoed badly, making the speech almost unintelligible. The Hacking utility is a nice change of pace, but is only about an hour's distraction. By that time, you'll have unlocked all the files and moved on. Do yourself a favor: Rent the game, watch the cut scenes, and save yourself 50 bucks.