Not perfect at all (/far from it), but still .....
Now still, I love playing this game, why?
Because it rocks to dodge bullets with sommersaults and do fancy karate gimmicks against a bunch of swat-guys.
While the music is poorly edited, the quality of the music is very good and some of the music is very nice.
The sound effects are nice as well when bullets passes you in slow motion for instance and when you do some fancy karate.
These three positive things, which really doesn't sound like will make up for all the glitches and faults in the game, certainly does make up for it.
This game lasts for a while because it is fun to play, even though it takes a short amount of time to finish.
It's fun and after my oppinion the game is worth having, if you love these sort of games, and don¨t really care for the presentation