In 5 years time most MMO will be like this Dont belive what you read try it for yourself and visit www.entropiafo
Not being a big fan of many other nameless MMO's because of the subscription costs, and me paying for the months I was not playing, I thought why not free to play and you could make money.
Well my dreams where soon squashed as I soon discovered that its not at all easy to make money in PE or as its now known Entropia Universe (EU)
However I have never played a game that offers so much freedom, potential and challange. Well I started out sweating and visiting the oil rig like many new players travelling the land with many dangerous creatures and me in a bruce lee suit unable to even defend myself. No weapons or amour and only a few pec to my name.
During this period I met some great players many of which are still playing today some of whom have left (Its not a game for everyone), slowly I built up my skills and found I could run faster be more successful sweating and also managed to aquire some armour and a weapon to attempt to deend my self, this game offers no real Newb areas or defines for players you are free to roam an incrediable size of land and this is just one continant there are 3 more areas (continants) to visit.
Well I eventually bit the bullet and deposited $10 this allowed me to complete my suit of armour, (Goblin, and buy a starter rifle (jester-d1) some ammo and a first aid pack) Well feeling like Arnold I went out aiming to kill the first thing I saw well several trips later to the revival terminal I decieded I would need to find some easier monsters to kill as my damgage potential was minimal and I could only heal a very small amount each time.
Well I hit the forums searching for ecery bit of information I could to do with EU and there was not to much (It is much much better now) but what I found helped me out no end and I was so thank full I got myself a mentor and joined a society that helped me learn how to play that little bit faster aswell as building up realtions with players I continued to meet along the way.
15 months later and Im still playing this is a really addictive game, I do maximum damage with my starter weapons (Now the sollomate Opalo) and have almost maxed out the heal rate of my (fap-5)first aid pack no longer only healing 1-3 points now its avg of about 8 with many times being heals of 10
I no longer use armour for the smaller mobs and this helps alot when hunting and saves on decay, and because I do more damage use less ammo and because I heal more points now need to use my fap(fast aid pack the medi kit) less so hunts tend to cost me less now Im not claiming I break even all the time or even make money that would be lying but I have a fantastic time doing so.
One of the nice things about this game (no scrap that not nice great things) is the RCE this puts a whole new perspective on the game you wont find itmes discared here because of full inventorys people will barter over the smallest amount and it is very much like a market (well thats what Im like at a market )
Sometimes this can dampen thing when you know that you are loosing money hunting but I remind myself that I can get some of this money back the money I invested in other MMO's I can never get back they were subscription costs.
I pay less to play this a month then any other game I have played with the exception of Xbox live and FPS games like UT and Half life
But even then I have to pay for the games £40 in most cases and thats about 60-70USD so now I have stopped buying new games and put that money in EU in a monthly installments of $10-15 (£6-10).
The community is the best I have ever been in and will help you out no end the RCE aspect really helps here I think, infact since playing I have even worked on my own site ( to help newer players get started.
The latest additions to the world have seen an art gallery introduced and a way to buy real life clothes from with in the game by a company called Vexxed clothing you can visit there website at with these clothes not only being shipped to your home address but also available for your avatar aswell.
There is a visible statut divide in EU those with money and those without, people that can afford to can live in luxury with rare clothes and houses that they can furnish, given a place to store all their items.
The new space resort Club NEVERDIE has just opened the nightclub this is amazing and if you have never tried clubbing in VR then you definatly need to try this out, hopefull soon you will be able to see the 2006 E3 video of the party which was filmed last night. And best of all it costs nothing atall
if you decide to hunt or mine you can then yes that will cost but loggin on to dance and listen to real life Dj's and coming soon Famous Dj's spin for free is an amzing turn of events, you can keep posted on any news and info about whats happening at the club by visiting
Mindark the company behind the EU is constantly striving to update it with fresh material and bug fixes on a monthly basis, the latest updates have been that of the New City of Culture, with its art gallery and RL clothing shop along with the introduction of ATM cards so you can retrive your money from your virtual currency using a cash machine.
I am loving EU and allthough its not the best looking game out there and it has some niggles these are constantly being addressed. Yes I am a EU/PE fanboy I make no quirms about it I enjoy playing it much more then any other MMO that currently exists.
The only way you will discover if you like it is to try it and best of all its FREE to try if you dont like it you can stop but you dont need to pay to trial it nor do you need to pay to enjoy it but depositing does help boost the enjoyment level,
Entropia is a long term game where you will always strive to reach that level that is Uberness, its not easy unlike many other MMo namely star wars and even after a couple of years you may still not be an uber but you will continue to develop your skills and become more economical hunting with that elusive chance of getting on the hall of fame list with a big loot but never try to get one of these and you wont lose lots of money at once, trying to get on there can drain your peds quicker then you could shake your fist at the screen.
The graphics are not to bad they are outdated yes but Mindark are reviewing them and upgrading small areas at a time and with the new physics and vehicle system hopefull coming this year this will be amazing.
Try is for yourself and see whether you enjoy it I didnt think I would at first but I do and I will still be playing in a couple of years so Check me up ingame if you need any help or information and I would be happy to give you more indepth information,
This is the year of the gamer
My ingame name is Rotten ICE I look forward to meeting some of you