Lemme hear ya say **** Pile! "**** PILE"
CHARACTER CREATION is like a retarded version of the Sims 2 CAS. I like the Sims 2 one, but this one.. You can make the most minor changes to your character, and desperately attempt to make him look good enough that he wouldn't scare away a kindergarden class. The music sounds like the Sims music producers after being told they had 1 week of work left, and they had given up. The skin tones look like your character is a pile of mold.
WHEN YOU GET IN THE GAME.. FINALLY, there is this long transmission between a woman describing how great Entropia is and a guy cuts in saying 'It's a trap!' or some **** I should have listened to him first. You can't turn it off either.
I TRIED MOVING AROUND and literally starting laughing. Runescape has more intuitive controls and UI than this. Your character is so stiff, this MIGHT be acceptable as a 3D game design class starting project. LOOKING AROUND I think I might have accidentally put it on extremely low graphics settings. Lower than that, maybe someone made a mod that could give you abysmal graphics so the most ****ty machine can run this. Not a chance, those were the highest graphics settings.
I FELT LIKE AN IDIOT walking around in my crap clothes. I predicted they would make you pay for stuff, but I didn't realise how quickly. Usually games at least get you to like them before trying to make you pay money. But no, they are just hoping that all the players had lobotomies and can't tell the difference between this and.. well any other game. The shopping isn't even fun, what is the insentive to pay money for a 80's rpg style shopping system? THE PLAYERS ARE RETARDS simply because they are there. Anyone who bothered shouldn't have. They should have deleted this game.
MY MAIN FEELING about this game is, 7.6GB? I honestly have NO CLUE what that is, cause there are about 7mb worth of graphics, 500kb worth of sound and maybe 1gb of menure, but I don't know what else.
All I can tell you is don't bother. Not worth the time. UNLESS your are an endlessly rich bastard who could pay the thousand bucks to make this game any fun at all.