Well, whenever some one hears "Artix Entertainment" or (AE) they simply laugh at their games, because they are not really good and they try to put a lot of 7 year old jokes on them, so it's hard to take them seriously, but Epic Duel, shows some maturity growing or it may be false hopes, the graphics for a flash game are good, and the animations are too, but you may need a fast computer for the lag that it gives, also this one doesn't have that 7 year old humor (At least not yet) and I think that you should give it a try, it is very competitive. This one has a more competitive pace since there is highscores and you will always want to improve your game so you can beat the other guys, I personally do that, so give it a try, that is the only AE game I can recommend, because the other ones as I have stated before, are hard to be taken seriously due to their humor.