Ah Epidemic. Did anybody play this "game" besides me? Jeez I hope not. it was nothing to write home about.

User Rating: 2.3 | Epidemic PS
Epidemic had that "Aliens" sort of plot, or i guess in this case "The Thing" sort of plot. Go to an arctic base, where communication has been lost and investigate. For your protection the military will send you in with a group of commandoes all in their own protective mechs.

So of course the plane crashes only a few miles from the base and everyone's wiped out but you. You head inside alone and it's game on! Right? Not really.

Amazingly with all your mechanized protection, baddies can still hurt you pretty bad, even though they don't have armor, and to boot, apparently your mech doesn't protect you from a virus that's slowly killing you inside the base...lovely. *plot dies a sudden death here*

On the technical side, the graphics were barely 3-D, the -action- as they called it was stunted and unbalanced, and the software had inherent deficiencies that liked to corrupt memory cards. Don't even use this as a coaster.