I love this game! But it could be better.

User Rating: 8 | ER (2005) PC
I liked this game because I was a big fan of the show. I know the graphics and the game play could of been better but it was easy for me so far... I just got it for my birthday and I really like it. I am only like on the 2nd level so I don't know so far. I know you are thinking "He's only on the 2nd level! That doesn't count!" But it does. I had it long ago and I beat it on my computer but then my computer crashed and I lost the disk. But I did beat it. I thought it was really cool. But I may be wrong because that was a long time ago and I forgot. But when I do beat it again I will decide if I change my rating and review or not. So don't get mad if you don't like it because right know I am expresing my Freedom Of Speech so you can't get mad. I know you all may not agree with it but if you do I thank you!!! :-) And I know this is off topic but look: |*-*| a casset tape. Hehehehehe!!! Bye!
Oh also the game is very very very very very addictive.