What can I say about this game ? All rating below 5 were right on, and that's probably too high. To all those who gave the Hobbit, and FOTR a low rating....DO NOT buy this game, or even rent it. It is a waste of money that I could have bought a good game with. I beat it in less than 6 hours, and never want to play it again--- no replay value that's for sure. Although the "what to see next" had a little anticipation to it, you were disappointed when you got there. Really ; it's a lowsy run straight through game with very little exploring that you can do except for them stupid eggs maybe. Flying the dragon didn't make it any better; though that was the only highlight of the game. I wouldn't recommend it to any serious gamer, but may be ok for a young beginner.
I came to want this game after I saw a commercial of Eragon jumping on some moster's shoulders and attacking it's neck. I thought the game would be full of cool moments like that. I realized after a few levels that it wa... Read Full Review
The gameplay isn't at all that good. Only the dragon riding parts are fun and the only standout of the game. Graphics are mediocre , with prehaps a little bit of slow framerate, which shouldn't be happening, especially ... Read Full Review