This is one of the worst games for the PS2.

User Rating: 4.5 | Eragon PS2
I've never owned this game but my friend lent it to me. This game is one of the worst Fantasy Action Adventure games on the PS2. Eragon is the name of a boy who is trying to save the world. He starts his journey with his uncle. They travel through various levels till one level you're uncle is killed in a boss fight. He isn't actually killed, but sacrifices his life for you.

Eragon, who is very angry about his uncle's death, is later accompanied by a friend named Trevenca. He is skilled in anchery.

Then there is also a dragon named Saffira who can help you when you are shown a sign and when you press the button you're supposed to press to do this attack, Saffira comes to breathe fire on the enemies surrounding you.

Aside from the story, which is related to the movie and book, the gameplay is mediocre. You use the cross button to attack and triangle and square to summon Saffira and perform magic. Remember Saffira can only be summoned sometimes.
There is also a grappling system that when an enemy is dazed or confused you can also use the O button to grapple and do a wrestling type of move or you just knock them out.

There isn't much to also say about the graphics except that they are just okay, just. Although some peple look graphically okay, some look bad. The environments are nice in some levels but bad in some areas.

The difficulty is easy no matter which difficulty you put. The ending is quite disappointing because you just fly on Saffira and try to dodge and then shoot at the Final Boss. It's so bad I've forgotten the name.

All I can still say is that like the average movie and book, I think they tried to give it a Lord of the Rings feeling but just couldn't get or maybe it is just me. But for me this is one of the Fantasy Action Adventure games I've ever played on the Playstation 2.