Do NOT buy this game

User Rating: 3 | Eragon DS
I have quite a few games, most of them keep my attention for at least a few days
This game however lost my attention within about... about as long as it takes to say BORINGGGGG, when you say it really really quickly
Of course i appreciated the thought behind the present but honestly don't buy it
It has good graphics, poor sound, but it seems to lack the storyline and well... everything else
Some might like it but i just couldn't stand it, most RPGs i like, Eragon however lacked substance and playability
Sound: 3/10
Graphics: 8/10
Playability: 1/10 (can't go lower :O )
Fun: 1/10 (Looking good!!)
Overall: 3/10

(The Difficulty i put for it, ignore, beacuse i haven't played this enough to know, sorry :P)

Oh dear it's telling me i need to write more, it said the minimum was 100 words, and now it's 800?!
But i really don't have anything else to write, i mean i could rant more but you don't really want to hear that do you?
Mhm... 800 words yet?