not just another movie tie in

User Rating: 7.5 | Eragon DS
Eragon like its console conterparts is a hack n slash adventuer RPG. The combat systom is no one button masher here it ofers viritey! You unlock more moves RPG style. Same goes as the bow your bow will get more powerfull the more you use it. You also get to use spells and finaly FIANLY!, some one put in a time freez for spells. You will have time to draw spells with out geting killed. The spells are fun to use and theres even one that freezes them up in the air and another one to throw them. Kinda like a jedi. Spells also leavel up much like in Final fantasy 2. Combat is like zelda you have a lock on,roll, and a block, It mostley revolves aroun the X and Y button. Y being standerd attack and X being a strong finisher. A can be a kick or a swip (depending on what move you have for that sword and yes you wil lose some moves changeing swords) B is used for a jump and you even have an jump and swipe. The game is not like zelda you wont free roam for town to town going to doungens its like chapters but you can revist certain parts of the game. There are dragon leavels but not like the psp you just go though hoops its still mildley fun thoe. You will also have to go thoe some miney game were you draw symbols on the touch screen to talk to your dragon its fun at first but gets kinda hard as you go along. The bigest complant I have about this game is the cammra its moslty good to you but at times can be N64 bad. The cammra is contoled with a little whell but luckly you can freez time to move it. There are also invisable walls but about 99% of the time they are blocking whater and who wants to go in water? When it gets down right to it Eragon is a fun solid adventuer. i would have liked to see some more over the top moves, more of a storey, and no gba like screens (some fvm would have been nice) But sadly Eragon is to short it too kme about 5hrs to beat it (about 2 were spent dieing and doing it over) Theres 2 miney games to unlock ok but nothing to go back and paly. Concept art is avialbe to find after you beat it. Most would want to waite for a price drop.