when i saw how many levels there are i think i laughed so hard that i had to be rushed to the hospital it seems like som body took the first sentence of eragon and made it in to a video game thats how short it is if i bought the game 6 weeks ago i should have been a quarter of the way there and that should be for just playing 24/7 really the only problem with this game is that it is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too short the rest is good so to sumirize it al uo only buy it if you read that book if you didnt you justed wasted money
I came to want this game after I saw a commercial of Eragon jumping on some moster's shoulders and attacking it's neck. I thought the game would be full of cool moments like that. I realized after a few levels that it wa... Read Full Review
The gameplay isn't at all that good. Only the dragon riding parts are fun and the only standout of the game. Graphics are mediocre , with prehaps a little bit of slow framerate, which shouldn't be happening, especially ... Read Full Review