A good attempt especially for a movie game you'd be suprised at how Eragon plays
Eragon looks good and the enviroments look good as well.Theres not a wide variety of enemies put they have different weapons and different ways of attacking its also fun watching them chopped up into mince meat.Rivers look good and there are couple of good scenery spots to stare at.Eragon has many moves and they look different as he gets better weapons
Not bad gets repetitive a couple of times though
Follows the movie though I have not seen it yet but does do a good job retelling it.Draw magic symbols in touchscreen and throw with stylus( believe or not it can be fun. Variety of large levels. Guessing about 16-17 .Enemies can be interesting enough to kill except when the framerate goes real low ( feels like slow-motion matrix ) especially when 10 enemies appear at once in one level.Side- quests get repetitive only played some as they got annoying.
Lasted me about 7 hours now playing again. but it could get a bit boring playing the third-time though even still pretty satisfied by buying it . and a really fun game through out.
A nice game, great graphics , fair sound , lasts 7 hours playing it the first time.A new standard that all movie tie-in games should follow.