when i played eragon it was a bit boring but when i got into it it was really extremely fascinating now ive read the book twice seen the movie and cant wait to buy the dvd!!! the game at first i felt to be a bit hard but as the game got more into depth and id been playing it for longer it waas a bit easier! i think this would be a much better game for boys coz there is probably to much fighting involves P.S. this was written by someone else! la la la la la la la la la l al i cant think of much else to say so bye
Man, when i first look at the cover and screens for this game i was like, "then another gay deep labyrinth game." And was i wrong. This game is really close in many aspects to the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Ti... Read Full Review
I was so happy when I made my name on this game. I loved it, great gameplay, amazing graphics for a DS game, and a great fighting system. A good quest system too. Unfortunately, after about two hours of playing I was ove... Read Full Review