Fans will be disapointed, i was

User Rating: 5 | Eragon XBOX
Just to start off not every thing about Eragon turns to ash and poisen. Fans will get a kick out of seeing places from the book come alive and see the battels come alive as well as Eragon,Brom,Murtagh,Saphira,Along with the Foes you faced in the game come alive as well. The storey reemaines the same..for what they show, there has ben a hack job on the storey and it's nealry not there except to interduce you to the next battel you'll be fighting in. Witch bring me to the combat system. The "deep & upgradeble combat" system dosent spread out evenly leaveing you to do the same attacks over and over most of them are useless sence mashing the attack button takes care of prity much every thing. To make matters worse you have a bad cammra (i guss it's even ashamed of the game) to were you can hardly see things at points, but for the most part it stays on the action. Casting spells is trickty thing at times it's to slow to be even usefull. The leaves as i said share from the book but are marded down by things like gate opening. Thyere seems to be a lot of gates in Alagaesia. Saphira rideing leaves are no Pinzar Dragoon (far from it) it's a track shooter but the cammra dose a terrible job of letting you know when it's gonna switch. leaveing you to hit something. Even better you take damige at times even thoe you hit nothing. Theas leavels are 2 player but onley if you wanna punsih some one. Drop in and out multiplayer is a nice featuer but would of been better online. If you make a friend play this don't expect him/her to come to your house to paly games for a while. The game is short and offers no repaly value. The fighting grwos tiersom to fast, so fast you might wanna quit before the game is over. There are unlockables like cast interviews that fans will enjoy. Fans will like to see the book come alive (in some sorts) Just don't expect much fun while doing it.