ok ok ok first of all the book was great but then they make a crapy movie and then they make a game of a crapy movie? i meen movie based games r bad as it is but seriously!!! the game was pretty terrible i meen the game play is the same exact thing over and over and over mostly button mashing!! and when u do a spell u have to right a simble....why?! he says the spell not writes it down if that were the case hed be dead along time ago and on the few times that ur saphire (dragon) the 30 secound levle with her is so stupid if u miss a ring ur imedietly shot down by arrows with suprisingly perfect aime i meen come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok christophere polini i read eragon twice and eldest once and im awaiting ur new book i sat threw that crapy movie that messed up ur book and this is wat i get back? no no no a 2 out of 10
Man, when i first look at the cover and screens for this game i was like, "then another gay deep labyrinth game." And was i wrong. This game is really close in many aspects to the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Ti... Read Full Review
I was so happy when I made my name on this game. I loved it, great gameplay, amazing graphics for a DS game, and a great fighting system. A good quest system too. Unfortunately, after about two hours of playing I was ove... Read Full Review