This game has a cr@p story, decent controls, and the graphics are worse then the PS2 version. This game could be a lot better. The powers are thye only cool part about this game. Everything else is like, O. I only paid $16 for this game because they had VG deals this weekend. This is not a game a 360 owner should ever buy. Never ever buy this piece of junk. It was fun for 5 minutes. I think any game is better than this one. I never was a mythic fan but this is a piece of cr@p. Don't buy this, controls are bad, the gameplay is way to simple. Try a good game not this waste of $16 .
Eragon is the latest in a long long line of frankly appalling move tie-ins and on this basis alone one could draw a sensible conclusion of how this game plays. The only problem being it's so much worse than you're probab... Read Full Review
To start of the game's storyline sucks and the camera angle being stuck in one spot for the entire game is rediculous. Don't even get me started on the movie. If anyone has read the books they will realize that the movie... Read Full Review