A pretty good non-complex co-op fighting game for 2. All ended too soon though...
This game is probably a bit under-rated and gamers are expecting too much. It's relatively okay for me as the game does follow the story closely and definitely better that the DS version. Although the spell casting could have had more different variations. I also like the fact that when playing 2-player, your partner can control how the dragon flies while I just have to fire the shots. Good for those who have problems multi-tasking (like me!). There are probably more scenes where the help of a partner is much needed as compared than playing alone.
Not too many complex controls to remember and basically you just run through the story fighting monsters and bad guys and eventually fight the evil dragon rider and his dragon. But gotta admit though it's short and probably worth to just rent it or but from those shops with 7 day refund policy so you can finish playing and return it.