Failed attempt at a game that could have been very entertaining. Dopefish graphiti is seen throughout the game.

User Rating: 5.5 | Escape From Paradise City PC
Story/Gamplay: 5/10
- Interesting mix of action with rpg, failed to be very fun. Story is about the NSA trying to blackmail 3 different people into doing work for them. You never are really trying to escape the city, and the city is more like slum and gangtown rather than paradise.

Environment & Immersion: 6/10
- A half decent ammount of items and skills make this game more entertaining. The actual maps are pretty small but what really annoyed me was the camera, the birds-eye view was too far away and when you used the closer third person view the buildings would always interfere or block the view.

Graphics/Physics: 7.5/10
- Graphics were pretty decent but not too much to really be excited about. Nothing new or interesting physics-wise. The best thing about the graphics was that Dopefish was graphiti on some areas.

Sound: 7/10
- Sounds were mediocre but voice acting was pretty good. I was suprised that the voices were done so well when this game over all seemed to have failed.

Bugs, Stability & Performance: 7/10
- No performance or bugs I could find. Just terrible camera angles.

Replay value: 4/10
- With the gameplay as typical and boring as it was and the multiplayer shouldn't have even been included. Nothing much in the game that is even worth replaying.

Value/Originality: 5/10
- Game is somewhat original, almost a bad copy of Gangland. This would certainly be considered a hybrid game. However the actual value of the game isn't worth even paying for, This should go straight to the bargain rack.

Will this game be remembered by old school gamers as a classic after 10 years?:
- Nope, not at all. Maybe listed for the sighting of the Dopefish Graphiti

Who would I recommend to buy the game?:
- I wouldn't recommend buying this game to anyone


Overall: 7 - Failed attempt at a game that could have been very entertaining. Dopefish Graphiti is seen throughout the game. Game was just plain and mediocre and left me with not a whole lot to say.