The game that brought Madden to it's knees!
User Rating: 9.9 | ESPN NFL 2005 PS2
Runnning down the sideline touchdown, if they made a new ESPN NFL they would have put Madden out for ever. I normally do not hand out tens but this game is one desirves it. The First Person view was nicely done, i love to play in it. There is also "The Crib" which is really cool, make your own FootBall house basiaclly. The Graphics are nicely done of the time when it came out, you can tell a big difference between this game and a Madden game. There are more jerseys you can choose from than Madden. There is a Half-Time show which is pretty well done. Also when you are in the "Franchise" mode you can watch the weekly sportcenter, so you can see how the other teams did and such. Since this came out when ESPN had it 25th aneversity you could do "Historic" games such like the Ice Bowl and others like that. The sound is great, nice collisions, the tackling is nicely done, it looks so great, i can not think of a word to describe it! For the price you can get it know is really good, i got it for 1.99(USA). I got it for 19.99 the best 20 dollars i have spent!