DJ's review of ESPN NFL 2k5
ESPN NFL 2k5 was and I think still is the best football game to date.The gameplay is phenominal.The way the players run the ball is so realistic.
The graphics are still very good.They may not be 360 graphics, but they compare with the best of other X-Box titles.
The sound is realistic during the game.The announcers seem to never run out of new things to say.Sure the soundtrack on the game sucks, but that is why you have your customizable tracks.
You get tons of bang for your formerly $20 game.Tons of different things to do.You can even watch sportscenter weekly on your game.It has halftime and postgame shows with Chris Berman.
Hey, if your a true football fan, ESPN NFL 2k5 is for you!You can pick this game up at Gamestop now for like 2 dollars.The rosters are definetly out of date now, but you can't beat this game's gameplay.I reccomend this game over Madden 05, 06, and even 07, because all of those Maddens are very much alike.
For 2 dollars, don't rent this, buy it for sure.If you don't like it, give it away or throw it in the trash.Best NFL game ever!