It's a good value title.

User Rating: 7.4 | ESPN NHL 2K5 XBOX
I normally agree with the scores in Gamespot reviews, but I honestly don't see what they're seeing when I play ESPN NHL 2K5. The game's graphics aren't particularly inspired. The character models are a little on the blocky side, and the animations lack fluidity. The arenas in the game lack any sort of details to distinguish one from another. And, while I'm discussing the games graphics, I also need to note that there's a definite lack of camera angles, which left me looking for one that felt comfortable while playing the game. The sound is alright. The on-ice sound effects could use a little more punch, and the choice of songs could be better. What really hurt the game, for me anyway, was the commentary. First, the commentators sound more like they're doing an episode of MST3K than calling a hockey game, their delivery in and of itself was so annoying that it had me considering turning it off from the first period I played. Add to that the fact that the commentary is always a play (sometimes two) behind the action on the ice, and it becomes less than useless. The gameplay would have been okay a few years ago, but by today's standards, and with the xbox's power, it should be considerably better than it is. The gameplay is extremely slow. Big hits are next to impossible to pull off, with what should be a major board check turning into a tap that barely redirects the opposing player. And scoring is simply a matter of sending a one-timer from the slot, as no goalie in the game can stop them. For the money, ESPN NHL 2K5 is an okay game. But don't expect anything other than a good value title.