A simple formula for any game to be good is "fun." E-Swat misses that target completely.
Before the times of Sega Megadrive ultimate collection, I'd never even heard of this game. When I bought it however, I decided to give it a try seeing as I'd never heard of it. My final thought was completely disappointing and led me to questioning why the game was even on there.
But enough about the ultimate collection, E-Swat is a dull, boring, uninspired sidescrolling shooter missing the key ingredient to any game: Fun. Upon playing, you'll immediately find that most, if not all, levels are completely linear. Level 1 has you moving to the right mashing the "fire" button while only turning left to move up a platform. Level 2 is a little different and possibly innovative, but it's still relatively linear. After beating Level 2, you are awarded the combat suit, which enables you to fly. Unfortunately, the levels become too clustered with enemies, and this was the point where I dropped out. There was nothing to keep me interested in the game. Every other game had that something special in it, even the bad ones. E-Swat has NOTHING.
Even the music sounds as uninspired as it is, it honestly sounds like someone tapping in random keys onto a keyboard. Same goes for the art as well, There's nothing special in that either. It all uses the same dull gray with very little colour in it at all, I could do better.
Like I said, E-Swat City under siege is a dull, bland, boring, uninspired game lacking any sort of fun, or anything to catch your attention for that matter. There were far better Megadrive games out there at that point. This game was made by Sega, the people who made The Revenge of Shinobi a year before and is much better than this pile of crap. Even the arcade games on the Megadrive are worth more of your time than this.