This game is, personally, worse than Microsoft's products. Warning: this game is literally a punch in the stomac
User Rating: 1 | E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial 2600
40 years ago, Atari was the king of gaming with their successful 2D titles like Pong and Asteroids. Nothing could possible stop them from future success until in the year of 1982. That year, Atari released one of the two games that would contribute to it's burial, ET. ET, an 1982 American science fiction film about the growing friendship of an extra- terrestrial named E.T. and a boy named Elliott, written by the Award- winning Stephen King. The same year E.T. became a video game for the Atari 2600. But unlike it's theatrical version, the video game version was a bomb. The reason behind this is because of controversy surrounding the controls and game play of the game. Plus, players always fell into holes constantly and ET would always get chased and caught by the police wherever the player went. The graphics over all look like a mine craft game that is 2D. The goal of the game was to get ET back to his spaceship, similarly related to the movie version. The response to the game was poorly received and momentarily sent Atari to it's untimely demise. There is proof that after Atari was shut down due to the video game market crash of 1982, tons of ET cartridges were found in a land field site on the Mexican border .