Behold: The worst videogame of all time
I can't begin to explain you how puzzled I was when I played this game (I didn't buy it, a friend of mine did and I went to his house to give it a try). It was beyond unplayable. This game made calculus homework look entertaining.
For people who have never touched this game before, you play the role of E.T. a character that looks like a giant turtle out of its shell, with huge disney eyes and a very thin neck. Your quest is to get the letters E.T. or something, so you can "phone home". You however, will spend most of the time falling into a ditch and trying to get out of it. After spending an hour trying, with precision timing and masterful work, you may successfully get out of the ditch, only to fall into another one 2 seconds later!
Why even bother? This videogame is torture and almost destroyed the whole industry. A game that will live in infamy.