My first fighting game
Any way enough with story the combat in this game is top notch each character has his own special fighting style and aersonal of fighting weapons. The thing I like about this title is that not all of them are Chinese fighters most of them are from around the world like the Laurcen a mob fighter for New York. Yes every fighter is equal as always and they all have a special attacks or combos that can activate with pushing a following number of buttons note: this game would be a lot easier with x,y,z controller for sega because pushing start to switch between kicks and punches is annoying. The best part are the levels each level takes you to a different area where one of the characters live. Like the fighting arena for R.A.X. the cyborg kick boxer. The graphics and sound are pretty good for its time even though the facial features are fuzzy. The value for this game is long if love fighting games but probably short for those who just beat a game and leave. The best part about this title is the practice mode these options give you everything time level select and a over clock to make the characters move twice as fast no other fighting game had that, and the danger room sessions where you had to dodge the obstacles or the holo-room, fighting a sphere, ect. Since this is an old school title for me I give it a decent review until next review.