Eternal Darkness is unique and creepy game that should be played in well...... darkness.

User Rating: 8.5 | Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem GC
Gameplay: In the begining of the game you'll play as Alex Roivas who goes to her grandfather's mansion ,after his brutal murder, in search of answers.
Eventually Alex discovers a book known as "The Tome of Darkness"....his is where the fun begins as throughout the game you'll play as several people who have encountered evil beings who wish to control the world know only as "The Ancients" and Alex must ultimately fight "The Ancients" herself. The gameplay is really good as combat revolves around several layers and that is firearms and close combat which will allow you to attack different body parts of each enemy (but no the legs) and magic were you sort of have to play rock paper scissors with enemy depending on which Ancient they follow. And guess what this game has almost no puzzles (yeah) and the few puzzles there are aren't frustrating like Resident Evil. Also what you do in the begining of the game will determine who the last boss will be and even change the dialouge around a little bit too. The best part about this game is the sanity meter...yes you can go insane in this game and the consequences are creepy, I don't wanna ruin anything but there an intance where I walked in a seemingly unpopulated room when several zombies start to eat me while the game all of a sudden says "Cannot detect controller 1" and it's moments like these where I found myself unplugging and then plugging the sontroller back in.

Graphics: The graphics in the begining of the game a really lame but surprisingly they improve as you proceed through the game. Character facial expressions are decent but there is almost no variety in the enemy types as almost all of the enemy's are zombies or nozombies but still slow moving making combat sometimes too easy.

Sound: This is surprisingly another great part of the game as you'll be listening to creepy orchestra music, or even here some distant noise where you here someone knocking on the masion door. But also the cutscenes are worth a mention as they have some of the best voice acting I have heard (kudos to who ever plays Pious and Maximillian) as the characters do a great job at acting scared or even insane.

In a nutshell: Eternal Darkness is a fun and creepy game filled with lots of breathtaking moments as well as loads of mind tricks.