If I ever saw a jaw dropping game, this has got two be it. This genre horror game is amazing
Developer: Silicon Knights Publisher: Nintendo
If I ever saw a jaw dropping game, this has got two be it. This genre horror game is amazing. Hats off to the guys and gals at Silicon Knights on making one damn good game. This game has a story to it that will give you goose bumps. The story is so good that it will suck you in and the more you play the more you have got to find out what will happen. Of course it is a story of good battling evil, and they did a great job on it. The graphics are prime and the game play is awesome. Your able to target arms, heads, and chest and not just because, but will be used as strategy in killing the baddies. Also they have put into the game what is called an insanity meter and when it gets low you start to hallucinate. This is great; this new and refreshing thinking in making games and for horror genre games this will be a must in the future. You will not be disappointed in this game; the scary parts are more on the story and suspense then something just popping up at you. If you got the money and don't have this game, go now, stand up go to the store buy this game and don't tell anyone you did not get it yet.