Even though the graphics and combat may be horribly dated at this point..i still thought this was a great game
User Rating: 9 | Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem GC
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, is a game like nothing I have played before. Every now and then you'll pick up a game not expecting much but it'll be one you remember for a long time. The only game i can think to compare this to, strangely enough, is BioShock. The story, gameplay, visuals, and pretty much everything else are completely unrelated...but these two games had incredible stories that pretty much blew me away. Without spoiling anything, the premise is that you play as Alex, a young girl who's grandfather just died. You begin to investigate and come across this book, the Tome of Darkness. As you progress, you play as other people who had once possessed this book and piece the story together. The game also loves to freak you out a little bit at some points with the insanity meter. But i won't spoil that for anyone who hasn't played it yet. Overall i thought this was a great game. It has a driving, immersing story, contains horror elements, can mess with your mind, has a great soundtrack, and interesting environments and puzzles. The only thing i wasn't crazy about in this game was the combat. It wasn't awful but I feel like it could have been better. Regardless, I loved this game.
Great Story
Changing Characters
Variety of Weapons
Variety of Monsters
Insanity Effects
Good Soundtrack
Fun Puzzles
Combat isn't fantastic but doesn't get in the way.
If you see this game, definitely pick it up.