gorgeous graphics and excellent gameplay with a clever musical theme threaded throughout

User Rating: 8.5 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume X360
One of the few really solid JRPG's for the 360, this game has everything we could wish for - stunning graphics, great battle system, and NO random battles!

Story wise, it's a little flat - a lot of buildup and long cutscenes leading to an ending that just... well, it's just plain confusing. But, if you aren't looking for your game to give you a feel-good story with a nice hearty dose of morals at the end, then the rest of the game more than makes up for this aspect.

The story through the gameplay is nice, with a great variety of playable characters, and some really gorgeous scenery. Battle keeps from getting boring (even when level grinding) because in addition to your characters leveling up (as per the norm) your party level also levels up, giving you the option to choose the benefits of a higher level with a greater challenge in tactical and action time. Party Level 6 (the highest) is even more of a challenge because the key commands change with every chain attack you pull off, making you pay attention to what you're doing as opposed to mindless button smashing (this is a good thing!)

There are bonus sidequests and dungeons that are not necessary for finishing the game but offer additional challenges if you do decide to take on the new game plus feature.

Be forewarned though: if you are into getting achievements for a game, the main storyline provides only a measly 125 gs for completion - the rest will require a longer and more gruelling (albeit worthwhile) commitment from you.

Not only that, a new game plus doubles all enemy HP, and their ATK/DEF becomes 1.5x the first playthrough. It also does not allow you to keep weapons, items or money, but you do keep your party level, and any score pieces you have collected. Trust me though, it is doable, and once you have the expertise of your first playthrough, you'll enjoy the extra challenge, for the most part.

In summary, if you are a JRPG fan, this is a must-play, whether you are a completionist or a casual gamer and just want to breeze through the story - it offers both options, and promises to appeal to RPG lovers of all types.