An RPG with an infectious charm

User Rating: 7.5 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume X360
Eternal Sonata has an absolutely infectious charm about it that many RPG games lack. At first, it seems extremely cute with an annoyingly sappy opening dialogue, but once you get into the game and the actual story, it becomes a slightly darker, deeper fantasy tale full of interesting facts on real history. The gameplay is pretty straight forward and is a little Final Fantasy X like. The only real complaint I have so far is the lack of new moves, causing the characters to repeat the same phrase over and over again. The same is said for enemy diversity. The cut scenes are LONG and may actually take up quite some time before the next game-play can begin, but there is a skip option which people can choose. Personally, I sat through all of the cut-scenes which I thought were entertaining (mind you if I go through this game again I can't see sitting through them a second time). The ending without going into deep spoilers is disappointing at best. The story becomes very convoluted and pretentious without any real depth or meaning. The cut-scene at the end is 45-minutes long and is exceptionally preachy and repetitive, full of quasi-coherent psychobabble and horrible metaphors. Too bad vecause the core concept is actually very beautiful. All in all, the game was fun to play but the ending was a sour note to what should have been a beautiful symphony.