Fantastic looking graphics, fun and addictive game play mixed with a great story and music make this game amazing.

User Rating: 9 | Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume X360
This is a quick review which explains the basics of the game.

Basic Story:

So Eternal Sonata is a RPG which tells the story of Chopin who was a amazing musician, who is in a comer who is dreaming of a virtual life who meets many different characters, who you play as and all play differently.

Game play:

At the start of game the game play is simple but as the game progresses it becomes a lot deeper, but with the game taking 20ish hours it begins to get repetitive. Like i said there are many playable characters who all play differently some slow and strong, some fast but weak etc.
choosing who to use is very very difficult.


AMAZING looking cartooney style graphics, characters look good, the scenery is very nice, and nice looking monsters and boss's.

BOSSES: There are A lot of bosses which begin easy, but later on in the game become a challenge and are very fun to fight.

Music: With music from the legend Chopin in this game we know the music will be top.

If you like JRPGS then this is the game for you.

Pros: The graphics are amazing
Game play is great which grows deeper and evolving as you play
Great music and voice acting
Memorable and plenty of boss battles
nice and fun story
It's a Long game.

Cons: Game play can get boring and repetitive after a while.
Voice acting is not the best

That was hard thinking of cons