Etrian Odyssey 3 extends the Etrian series by refining on the great classic game-play of the first games.
Players will still be adventuring through levels of a labyrinth and drawing their own maps with the DS stylus, but in this edition all the old classes have been dropped and new classes abound. These fresh new classes are great and although some of them feel pretty close to the classic classes, most of them are very new and refreshing. Etrian Odyssey 3 also allows for sub-classing about half way through the game and this allows a player to make all sorts of interesting combos of skills.
Another great feature of Etrian Odyssey III is the sea adventures. The sea quests and exploration add a whole new layer of adventrue and a diversion from the labyrinth grind. The extra experience you can get from the sea quests is nice as well.
Like all the Etrian games the game can be very challenging and especially at the beginning when your money is tight and precious, but like all Etrian games once you get leveled up you will feel like a god and lay waste to all but the greatest of FOEs.
If you are a fan of the series or JRPGs in general you definitely need to get this installment, but if long hours grinding away in a JRPG isn't your think you best stay away from this game.