Not another gameover!

User Rating: 7 | Sekaiju no Meikyuu DS
To start off this game is hard. But it's definitely a great game. The diverse classes come with different avatars to choose different abilities, making you feel more a part of the game. This game is surely something you cannot speed through; doing so leaves you less prepared for the dangers of inexperience. But the game gets kind of annoying when the Rooster Inn [the only way to save] or the Ceft Apocathery [to revive your comrades] are out of reach. And when you die, it's game over pal. That's it. You start over and lose all you worked for. The only thing you wont lose is your map. Thank god. Including the ability to save your map before you die is a brilliant option. Another flaw is that you cant directly make money that easily. It would be better if batles left you with some cash to recover your troops upon arrival to town. You can sell goods from them but at a low cost that could barely effect the weight of your pocket.