If fixed could be a really good game.

User Rating: 7.7 | Etrom: The Astral Essence PC
Got a solid story, made on comic book series I belive. Its not hard not easy its just about right, however grafics are rather outdated tho I dont really care about that they dont make game great, laking contrast in music, and not really an rpg ammount of usable items(meaning you dont have a variety).
Controls can look awkward for first few hours but then you get used to them. Has couple of nice things to it, mechs and first-person sniping mode are fun as well.
Generaly gameplay is good exept for few bugs and misunderstandings its very much playable.

But people really should read manual before complaining. You can save anywhere at anytime, w/o teleporting yourself to temple using quick save, exept boss fights :P I still get amazed when people discover demon transformation by the middle of the game, while its usable right after prologue...