This game drives me aggressively insane...
User Rating: 3.2 | Etrom: The Astral Essence PC
When I read the reviews of other people here I felt a bit disappointed because I had just got my hands on the game and I was really eager to play. Despite the critics I played it for a while (read: I played it 4 times from the beginning 'cause I couldn't save the game yet) and felt lucky it didn't crash... yet. Maybe it was because I installed the v1.1 patch...? After I got to the Prophet who explained and unlocked some of my powers, I was quite happy with the quicksave-function and the ability to go to the Astral Temple and, after doing my thing, go back to wherever I came from. Although most levels where similar to another, too big (read: too time-consuming) and boring, the game played just fine until I got to the boss-fights. And those can be quite tough, believe me. Most of the time, it takes 2, 3 or more tries to finally kill a boss, while their goons hack and shoot away at you and sometimes keep respawning. Eventually I succeeded finishing the job so the game could crash down my pride by, well, crashing. Especially when the screen is full of explosions or other magical / pyrotechnical effects - it seems the game's engine just can't handle it, even when I have a 256 Mb videocard...
Believe me - it drove me to destroy my keyboard by whacking it in two by using my knee.
Games take time of someone's life. Most people don't care, but I do. I don't mind putting SOME time in a game, not ALL my time. Crashing games and programs that make people lose their work / effort / time should be annihilated from digital existence.
It's a shame. Many characteristics of this game promise enough potential. Nevertheless I advise you NOT to even try this game if you've got a high blood pressure... like me.
Aside of this: I'm no Englishman so excuse my poor English (that includes possibly strange looking sentences)...!
Kind regards to all who read this,
Marcus Rex