This game is awsome the eudemon are off the hook look at their super weapons they shine just like the game :).
User Rating: 10 | Eudemons Online PC
this game is the greatest just try it out and youll see how good it is look at the eudemon their cool and the swords shine just like the game i highly recommend this game:) download it now its so awsome your mouths wil be hanging with alot of skills for warriors and for maged get this game now i keep telling you this cuz its good and extreamly addictive you get on or an hour and it feels like ten minutes so get this game and you wil be satified with the result o this game and its graphics it like this fantasy role playing game is real som im alasttor2456 and this game is off the hooki and it is called EUDEMON ONINE OR TO GET GO 2 and it is the official website for it so get download now and you can download it here on you hear:).so dont waste your time it only takes 50mins to download.