Don't play this game it's a waste of your time in my opinion.
User Rating: 3.4 | Eudemons Online PC
The game is stupid I think, too easy to level and unlike co (Conquer Online) you can't jump and the pking is boring. It's also extreamly easy to get full super's (very good equips) compaired to Co where you actually have to work for them. Leveling is extreamly easy since every xp (special attaack after 2 minutes or so) you can basically 1 hit monsters around 10-20 levels higher then you to level fast. I got 104 in about 19 hours of playing it. The only reason I played it though was that there was nothing better to do. Co is made by the same company so go check them that game out. I'm ~Armada~ on the Honor server so whisper me if you want to play. =)