A biz RPG/strategy game that is both interesting & frustrating at times
When i read the blurb on the box, i figured that i had to give it a shot. It sounded like a business RPG, set in a medieval environment. How could a strategy fan pass this up?
There are lots of things to do, different professions to try out, different upgrades to explore, skills to develop and test, etc. the problem here is the total lack of documentation!
I have the gold edition, and all it comes with is a quick start manual that deals with installation and keys, leaving you hapless and at the game's mercy. There are a ton of options, professions, trait combinations, titles, objects, products, ingredients, etc. which you can only discover by playing the game since there's no other info available!!
I would've also like a pause feature that enables you to explore things a bit. As it stands, the spacebar simply locks you into that particular screen.
I had trouble rating gameplay which i felt was between 7 & 8, but opted for 8 given the fact that it's still pretty innovative. As i got it for $6 from Wal-mart, the value is unbeatable and to be fair, the game is interesting enough for me to continue to explore for some time to come.