Strategy, diplomacy, religious influence, trade, colonization, empires, trade monopolies, and the list goes on!

User Rating: 9.5 | Europa Universalis III Complete PC
So I purchased this without having first purchased the original Eu3. The add-ons are nice, and I can't really comment if this is worth purchasing after having the original Eu3 but if you want to start this is where to start. The mods are great as well. If you like Hearts of Iron this'll be right up your alley. Definitely not an easy game to master, especially if you don't cheat, and start with a small nation. Only reason I dont give it a 10 is because sometimes the game freezes, I find it does this when it autosaves, however if I take autosave off and save occasionally, as well as not loading games (to go back and change something), I do much better. I have Vista and the latest patch.

The game is perfect if you don't mind the graphics. There are other games with better graphics but if you want something extremely immersive and detailed, not to mentioned historically accurate, so much so you will definitely have a history lesson, then this is the best so far!